TSoC (Tapas SoC)

[Tapas Services In-House Project]
[Oct 2023 - Present]

Currently this project is being developed on local git. The remote repo right now is a template of Efabless/Caravel_User_Project and will be updated after the first stable release.
Remote Git Repo: TSoC

RaaS-EDT (Robotics as a Service, ECU Diagnostics Tool)

[Tapas Services Proprietary In-House Project]
[Oct 2022 - Apr 2023]


  • Raas-EDT is an Automated Diagnostic Tool for Ethernet-based Automotive ECUs confirming the ISO 14229 standard. (Unified Diagnostics Services - UDS protocol)
  • Based on the Robotics as a Service - (RaaS) business model.


  • Any ECU that supports Ethernet and is ISO14229 UDS protocol compliant can use this tool.
  • Simplified diagnostic command input for ECU vendors via plain text, with subsequent parsing and transmission to the ECU, while generating ASC logs and HTML reports from the responses.
  • Basically, it is simple and easy to use with an excellent response time.

Design: Raas-EDT-Framework


  • Layer 0 -> Physical Layer: Physical Connection of the tool with the ECU
  • Layer 1 -> Network Layer: Tcp/Ip and Udp Connection
  • Layer 2 -> Interface Layer: It acts as an interface between UDS (Unified Diagnostics Services) and the network layer. Users can directly use this layer to send raw requests to the ECU.
  • Layer 3 -> MiddleWare. Various services like Diagnostics (DIAG), Protocol Data Unit (PDU), Partial Network (PN) and Tester Present (TP) are a part of this layer. MiddleWare receives the parsed requests from Application layer and further sends it to Interface. It receives response from Interface(if any) and validates it with the expected response. MiddleWare is also responsible for generating output ASCII logs and HTML reports.
  • Layer 4 -> Application Layer. User sends the request in plain text format and each request (treated as an object) is parsed to determine which type of UDS service is requested. After parsing it further sends the request depending on the type of service, to the MiddleWare.
  • Security: MAC Authentication and security related module. This module is coupled with the MiddleWare.


  • Requests can be sent either on command line or by writing to simple text file with an .edt extension.
  • For sending request from command line use the argument --cmd and run app_main.py along with the arguments/requests (either Diag, TP or PN) in string format.
  • For running the .edt file, use the argument --edt and run app_main.py and pass the edt file to be tested as argument.

External References:

  • If you’re not familiar with what UDS protocol or ISO14229 does, please visit this wikipedia page: Unified Diagnostics Services
  • In the Services section you can find various types of services that are supported.


  • From Command Line:
    • Refering the above Wikipedia link, if I want to send a Diagnostic Session Control request, to keep the ECU in Default Session, I will just send this on command line:
    • python3 app_main.py --cmd 'Default Session'
  • Using .edt file:
    • Create a text file with .edt extension. Let’s say I create a file to check whether the ECU is in Application mode or Boot mode and name it AppOrBoot.edt.
    • Now add commands to the file as shown in image. App Or Boot ECU

    • python3 app_main.py --edt AppOrBoot.edt
  • These commands will be parsed by the Application Layer into a request, which is then sent to the ECU.

Services Supported by Raas-EDT:

  • Services Supported - Diagnostics(DIAG), Tester Present(TP), Partial Network(PN), PDU
  • DIAG: Just the UDS_SERVICE name to be written.
  • TP: TP(start, TesterID, TpPeriod)
  • PN: PN(start, PN_1, PN_2, ...), PN_x are the Partial Networks that you need to send.
  • PDU: PDU(PDU_Name): This is not generic as the ISO14229 and is ECU Specific

Report Generation:

  • For every DIAG request sent either via command line or in .edt file, HTML report will be generated.
  • The HTML will contain the request and whether response received was positive or negative. If response is positive, HTML will log it as PASS else FAIL.
  • If request is via command line the report will be generated in Reports directory as Diagnostics_Report and current timestamp. If request is using the .edt file, the report will be generated in Reports directory with same name as the .edt file.


  • Logger is a seperate entity and is optional for use. To get the logs in .asc format, run the Logger.py in a seperate terminal and simultaneouly send the diagnostics request. To end the logger just kill the process with Ctrl+C.
  • Logs will be saved in Logs folder with current timestamp and in .asc format.


  • We will create a Testing.edt file with the following diagnostic requests.
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      TP(start, 0EF4EFFE, 2)
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
      Default Session
      Extended Diagnostic Session
  • Please refer the below video for a simple demo


  • As it can be seen, firstly we start the logger from a different terminal before running the Raas-EDT.
  • Next we run the Testing.edt file and as you can see how simply the commands written as above, get sent to the ECU and the ECU responds to those requests.
  • After that a HTML report is generated that shows which requests got positive response showing them as Pass and others as Fail, while the ethernet log files get saved as .asc logs.

Extremum Seeking Control (ESC) for Maximum Power Point Tracking in Photo-Voltaic (PV) Cell

[Undergraduate Senior Year Project]
[Aug 2020 - May 2021]

Abstract: This project proposes designing an Extremum Seeking Control (ESC) for Maximum Power Point (MPP) Tracking in PV cell using L-Wang approach. The project focuses on the design and simulation of an efficient photo-voltaic system. PV cells exhibit nonlinear I-V characteristics and maximum power point that vary with solar irradiance. A voltage converter can therefore increase the efficiency by transmitting maximum power from the PV module to load by operating a solar cell array at MPP. In conventional control algorithms, even when MPP is achieved, the perturbation signal remains in the system which leads to steady state oscillations. A technique has been proposed to damp out the steady state oscillations. Also, the conventional approach has update law as proportional control. In this approach PID based update is designed which attains MPP faster and also contributes to reducing steady state oscillations. Simulation is used to evaluate the robustness of the proposed system. It is shown that the proposed system is robust to system uncertainties, environment changes and load variations. Advantages of this control algorithm are efficient tracking and zero oscillations about the steady state as compared to the singular perturbation Extremum Seeking Control model. Continuous measurement and control hence variations in the physical conditions are adjusted smoothly and rapidly. Disturbance observer scheme is used to estimate voltage of the PV cell. The DO scheme removes the need to use output voltage sensor. Sensor free design thus proposed contributes to less complications in hardware setup.

Publication: A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Control Without Steady State Oscillations Using Extremum Seeking Control Algorithm